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Since 1980, workers’ real wages decreased, labor rights dismantled, the safety-net shredded, all while wealth and income inequality dramatically increased. Our communities must wield our collective economic and political power to remedy these inequities.


of Americans don't have an extra $400 in their account if an emergency came up.

38 Million

Americans are living in poverty. More than 11 million are children.


What the average unbanked family with an annual income of around $25,000 spends on financial transactions.

24.6 Million

American households either unbanked or underbanked.

$17.03 Trillion

Total household debt.

Our Solutions

Our Impact


New Focus Cards

issued in 2023

$26.3+ Million

Total deposits

to the Focus Card in 2023


Total deposits

to savings in 2023

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Community Financial Resources
CFR Partner

One Transitional Age Youth had been unbanked due to a negative banking record. As a result, no financial institution would open a bank account for them. The Focus Card changed that. The TAY is now connected to the financial mainstream economy.

Community Financial Resources
CFR Partner

Our participant reported how beneficial it's been to finally have a bank account. At her new job she was able to receive direct deposits because she has an account to provide to them. She has enjoyed learning how to use banking systems and have a place to save and track her spending. This has helped her family establish how to manage their finances in this country.

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About us

Community Financial Resources is a solution-provider. We see a world where everyone has the tools needed to have financial stability, protect their assets, and establish a foundation to build wealth. We promote economic justice and fairness by providing financial inclusion solutions based on the latest research, backed by our financial industry partners, and delivered by organizations representing the communities we serve.