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Financial Products

Bridging the gap between your customers and your goals

Convenience. Simplicity. Value.

Focus Prepaid Visa Debit Card

In partnership with US Bank, we're able to offer the Focus Prepaid Visa Debit Card.

Easy to get

No credit or Chex Systems review required

No minumum balance required
No monthly fees

Less expensive than most checking accounts

No penalty fees

For overdrafts or bounced checks

Get Paid Faster

Use direct deposit for pay, financial aid, benefits, or even tax refunds.

Get notified when money hits your account.
No more lost checks in the mail.
No more waiting in line (or loosing money) to cash a check.
Use wherever Visa is accepted

Make purchases at stores, online, by mail-order, or over the phone.

Get cash when you need it

80,000+ FREE US Bank, Allpoint, or MoneyPass ATM's, "cash-back" with purchases, and teller withdrawals.

Linked savings account

Build savings with built-in automatic transfers.

Pay bills online & on time
Keep track of your money

Alerts by text or email. Automated phone inquiry or online website. Use the app!

Credit-Builder Credit Card

Building or reestablishing credit can be challenging. We’re here to help. Through our partnership with Self Help Credit Union, we offer a secured credit credit card that helps lower the risk.

Self-Help Federal Credit Union Secured Credit Card

No FICO score requirement
No Annual Fee
13.75% APR
$250 to open
ITIN or SSN accepted

How It Works

Apply for the Secured Card

From $250-$2,000, you choose the amount you want to use to secure your credit line.

Receive & Activate

Once you receive your card, activate to start using wherever MasterCard credit cards are accepted.

Track & Pay on Time

Monitor your spending (try to stay below 30% utilization) and pay the bill on-time and in full.

Credit-Builder CD

Through our partnership with Self Help Credit Union we offer the Fresh Start Loan. Think of it as a loan on layaway -- you pick a loan amount and set-up an payment plan. The payments go to a savings account and are reported to the credit agencies. Once you've paid the final payment, your loan is unlocked.

How It Works

Apply for a fresh start loan

Apply to borrow $500-$2,000; terms 6-24 months. Your money is safe and secure.

Pay off your loan in the specified amout of time

Choose the amount and terms that work best for your budget.

Each monthly payment builds credit history

Your monthly payments are reported to the credit reporting agencies.

Unlock your savings

Once you've paid off your loan, you receive the full amount of the loan, plus interest.


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About us

Community Financial Resources is a solution-provider. We see a world where everyone has the tools needed to have financial stability, protect their assets, and establish a foundation to build wealth. We promote economic justice and fairness by providing financial inclusion solutions based on the latest research, backed by our financial industry partners, and delivered by organizations representing the communities we serve.