of people are living paycheck to paycheck.70%
Of workers are financially stressed.80%
Of employers say financial issues impact employee performance.$300b
Lost in productivity annually.
Financial stability is a win-win for everyone. Increase worker productivity, performance and retention, while lowering operations costs by offering an employee financial wellness program. We work with workforce development organizations and employers to support workers’ well-being by ensuring 100% payroll direct deposit, offering savings and credit-building opportunities, assisting with emergency loan programs, and integrating financial education into training and professional development programs.
Customized Program Components
100% Payroll Direct Deposit
Automatic Savings
Financial Education
Building Credit
Benefits of offering an Employee Financial Wellness Program
- Increases Productivity and Performance
- Elevates Job Satisfaction
- Improves Job Retention
- Generates Loyalty
- Enhances Brand Reputation
- Lowers Stress
- Reduces Distraction
- Lowers Absenteeism
- Reduces Health Costs